Stop troubleshooting in logistics! – Start working with reliable requirements!
Release of Loady 1.0
Finally, the decade-old problem of relevant information hidden in free text fields and in people’s heads is solved: Loady 1.0 is released. From now on, companies can maintain their site-specific and product-related logistics requirements in an adequate platform and then securely share their data with business and logistics partners along the entire transportation process: from freight procurement, freight ordering, transportation planning and dispatching, to actual delivery.
Loady is a single source of truth for logistics requirements to shippers, carriers and customers.
What’s in for industrial companies?
Loady offers companies a unique platform to enter and maintain company’s logistics requirements and to build end-to-end transport lanes connecting their products to the loading points at theirs sites with the unloading points at the customers’ sites.
Then they can assign their logistic service providers to the respective data sets of a lane.
Feature overview:
- Standardized data model with modular approach fitting needs of small companies, large industrial and even complex chemical sites and parcs
- Intuitive user interface to enter more than 100 requirements in a clear structure: from site restrictions, parking instructions and opening hours to safety instructions, logistics equipment and processes to follow.
- As a special Goodie for bulk transportation Loady contains a central data base for managing preloading restrictions and cleaning requirements.
- Predefined value selection, reducing any kind of free texts to an absolute minimum
- Multilingual data base: German, English and Polish are already available. Spanish follows in December, others to come in 2023
- Possibility to manage customer’s requirements while they are not managed by the customers themselves
- Create order-related access to driver view “Loady2Go”
- Communicate changes to business and logistics partners
- Integration with ERP / TMS / Yard Management via API
What’s in for logistics service providers
With Loady, for the first time in logistics, carriers will be able to get precise information on logistics requirements directly from their customers.
- Access requirements of authorized transport lanes
- Create order-related access to driver view “Loady2Go”
- Integration with ERP / TMS via API
Use cases supported by Loady:
- Logistics tender management and service offering
- End2end understanding of requirements for easier dispatching
- More flexibility to deploy drivers, independent from their language skills & knowhow
- More reliable service execution at higher quality
Clear rules for data ownership and governance
Loady is a neutral and secure partner platform where companies can manage and exchange logistics requirements. In Loady, data is owned and governed by the companies themselves. Data protection applies the rules of GDPR, data security follows the standard of ISO 27001.
Achievements of our pilot phase
Starting the Loady pilot phase in June 2022, the first industrial customers like BASF and Evonik entered by now more than 20 European sites, 30 loading and unloading points and 25 products.
Now they are building their first transport lanes and assigning them to their logistics service providers to test Loady2Go.
The first API integrations with their Transport Management Systems and Yard Management Systems are planned to take place in Q1 2023.
Future roadmap
The Loady roadmap is being defined very closely together with an expert user community assigned by our industrial and logistics customers. Beside the constant evaluation and improvement of Loady, further features that are designed to make the basic processes even easier to use.
Coming soon:
- Automated notifications in case of changes
- Change history
- Preproduct data base advanced
- Chemical Park tenant
- Loady plugin
- Carrier feedback
Want to see how Loady works?
View the recording Loady V1 (link to youtube) of our CPO and Co-Founder, Elzbieta Wiankowska.
About Loady
Loady is a standardized platform for reliable loading and unloading requirements. By enabling the effective communication of logistics specifications along the supply chain network, Loady optimizes the entire B2B transportation process: from freight procurement, freight ordering, transportation planning and dispatching, to actual delivery.
The idea of Loady is simple: companies maintain their site-specific and product-related logistics requirements in Loady and then securely share them with their business and logistics partners for their respective operations. Of course, industrial companies and logistics service providers can also access Loady via API. This allows them to integrate reliable logistics requirements from Loady directly into their operational systems and processes.
Of special interest for liquid bulk logistics is the long due solution of a general, centralized pre-product database where cleaning instructions and pre-loading restrictions can be managed and shared.
Loady fundamentally improves supply chain collaboration. Loady helps minimize truck rejections and increases planning reliability and sustainability in transportation. But above all, by providing a single source of truth for requirements, Loady will, finally, end the current practice of back-and-forth phone calls, data double checks and continuous troubleshooting that all parties involved are suffering from.
Our platform closes a fundamental gap in communication, making it a key success factor for further digitization and automation in logistics.