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Werkstattbericht der Industrie: Mit Data-Sharing die Zusammenarbeit in der Logistik vereinfachen

September 5th | German

Statt Entladeanforderungen in Listen und Texten nachzuhalten, setzt BASF zunehmend auf die Synchronisierung von Stammdaten. Mehr Einblicke in die Motivation und Vorgehen beim Onboarding der ersten beiden externen Warenläger in unserem Webinar […]

Introduction - Intelligent master data platform for logistics

New date coming soon | English

Get a first impression on how data is maintained in Loady and how users can take advantage of reliable logistics requirements along the supply chain processes […]

Loady4Tender - Structured data for your freight tender specifications

New date coming soon | English

Learn how you benefit from Loady when preparing and running freight tenders […]

Any questions about Loady?

Product quality and safety are essential in all manufacturing industries. Especially in the fields of chemistry, food, pharma, and consumer goods, knowing what substances have been previously shipped, understanding if there are incompatibilities, and ensuring that regulatory requirements are met, is a big challenge.  Companies need to apply extremely strict rules in order to ensure high quality and prevent any kind of contamination of their products

The crux of preload restrictions:

  • There are many restrictions of different types and depending on different variables
  • To specify them you need deep chemical know-how in combination with logistics understanding
  • Currently, companies manage these requirements in an unstructured, decentral,  non-standardized way
  • How to specify pre-load restrictions? In what chemical categories, product families, or classes? Are you supposed to keep endless lists of product names that you exclude?
  • Cleaning methods and required certificates depend on the pre-products, but – depending on the substance or its application – they still may vary
  • Data sharing with carriers is unstructured leading to enormous efforts spent on analytics of requirements
  • Missing standards make it impossible to automate the pre-product checks

Finally, pre-product restrictions can be managed easily

If you are assigned to maintain the preload restrictions that apply for shipping your product to a customer or that for receiving from a supplier, you can add them in Loady easily. 

How does it work?

From now on you can maintain the pre-loading restrictions in Loady and share them with the business partners along the supply chain.

  • Select, upload or enter the product you want to define pre-product indications for
  • Specify your preload restrictions on the product or product class level
  • Add application conditions (if applies)
  • Save your changes 
  • Inform your business partners of modifications
  • Share updated preload restrictions with your business partners

No need to start from scratch:

  • Inherit specifications from similar products you own/get delivered
  • Benefit from Loady API by integrating valid master data on preload restrictions for your products