Shape digital logistics with Loady

Standardized loading requirements enable digital supply chain logistics, finally.


Optimize supply chain in the industry, from freight purchasing to the actual transport.


Reduce empty and extra kilometers and save CO2 emissions.


Use standardized logistics requirements digitally, at any time and via API.




Loading points


Industrial sites

No more waiting times and misunderstandings - from now on only accurate planning

Up-to-date, digitally available information is the key for better supply chain planning and organization. Loady improves transport quality and reliability, even for new customers.

  • Contract and delivery relevant information
  • Delivery times, technical equipment, instructions, security, etc.
  • Usage via ERP, TMS, YARD
  • Online view Loady2Go

All partners along the supply chain benefit from reliable transport information​

Industrial and trading companies

Companies in all industries benefit from first-hand requirements: from freight procurement and freight order management to transport execution and site logistics.

Shippers and goods recipients

To ensure seamless cooperation, shippers and goods recipients maintain their own logistics requirements in Loady, as this is the only way to ensure a single source of truth for all logistics processes. Reliable master data enable companies to digitize and optimize their logistics collaboration. 


Offering, planning and executing transport services becomes more precise and reliable with Loady. Carriers see first-hand what shippers and recipients need. Now they can easily match trucks and equipment and organize delivery.

Truck drivers

With our free online view Loady2Go, truck drivers get access to a multilingual online view of all the requirements and processes relevant to them at the respective locations. 

Discover digital logistics with Loady.

Innovative. Up-to-date. At any time.

Get started with Loady now

One platform for logistics requirements

Reliable and secure transportation of goods requires an effective communication among producing companies, carriers, truck drivers and customers.

Loady provides a unique structure for product- and site-specific (un-)loading requirements and offers a single source of truth to the entire logistics of all industries.

By connecting the dots and enabling a true end-to-end communication of reliable logistics requirements, Loady makes logistics easier.

Up-to-date and
in all languages

With Loady, for the first time in logistics, all requirements for loading and unloading can be managed in one common, standardized structure and shared with business partners along the supply chain.

From now on, there will be only one truth that all users will be able to view in multiple languages, starting with English and German and Polish. Already in 2023, Loady wants to offer reliable requirements in further European languages.


“With Loady, we solve a fundamental breaking point in logistics. From now on relationships between shippers, carriers, truck drivers, and customers will change. Loady will save money and precious time for all logistics partners – and it will be a key success factor for further digitization and automation.”

Elzbieta Wiankowska and Stefanie Kraus are the Co-Founders of Loady. In November 2021, they started to develop the Loady platform as a venture of Chemovator – the venture builder of BASF. In Juli 2022 Dennis Jantos joined the Team as Co-Founder, completing the founding team.

The Loady experience

Reliable data

With up-to-date product and company-specific requirements, it finally becomes easy to manage freight procurement processes, organize the logistics service efficiently and ensure smooth loading and unloading processes. Loady stores site- and product-specific logistics requirement in a unique, common structure – including preload restrictions and cleaning requirements.

Easy logistics

From now on, transport planning will be much easier. With Loady, producing companies are able to forward up-to-date requirements for loading and unloading when they hire a logistics service. Consequently, carriers can organize the whole delivery much better, beginning with the selection of the right truck and equipment. Drivers will be able to view the relevant information in many different languages.

There will be far less truck rejections and delays – and much less discussions and troubleshooting! Customer satisfaction will increase significantly.

Effective collaboration

All logistics partners benefit equally from effective communication of the requirements along the transport chain. Loady reduces the high checking and troubleshooting effort on all sides and strengthens the cooperation between the manufacturing companies, their customers, the logistics service providers and drivers.