How can I easily add loading requirements for multiple products?

It’s simple!

With Loady, managing multiple products with the same requirements at a loading or unloading point is super simple. Just use the master template – no need to enter each product separately!

Step 1: Select loading and unloading points

Log in to Loady and navigate to your loading or unloading points, where all loading and unloading requirements are defined

Step 2: Create a master template

Create a master template for each loading and unloading point with just one click.

Step 2: Assign products

Select products with the same logistics requirements and assign them to the master template.

Step 3: Make changes centrally

Edit the template, and all assigned products will be automatically updated.

In the future, if any data changes, only the master template needs to be adjusted. This way, all information is updated in one step for all products.

Create multiple templates for different product groups – save time and optimize your data management!