Release 07.2024 offers a variety of updates, such as customisable download of the specifications in Loady4Tender, new functionalities and language options, as well as enhanced features in Loady2Go, Loady2Share & LoadyConnect, along with many other new updates.

1. Customisable download of the specifications in Loady4Tender

The download function of the relevant specifications for the lanes of a tender has been improved. Loady4Tender users can easily select and deselect the specifications (columns) of the download file before downloading. The CSV file contains only the information relevant to the user.  

In addition, the selection of specifications has been expanded to include more loading requirements – pre-product certificate, coupling, coupling type and unloading requirements – compressor, hose and many more. This allows users to get more detailed information about each tender. 

2. Enhancements of (sub)modules for products

Loady has added (sub)modules in various places where specific requirements can be maintained in the context of packed products. In addition, existing (sub)modules were extended and adjusted: 

  • Equipment available for loading packaged goods 

The new submodule Available equipment for packed goods (Module: Installations (Un-)loading Point) has been added. It can now be activated at (Un-)loading point level. In this submodule, the availability of a loading ramp, a forklift, or a lifting platform can be maintained at the (Un-)loading point. 


  • Packaging

The new Packaging module (Assigned Products: Packed) is now only available for packed products and can be maintained. It contains the submodules Packing Instructions & Pallets. These submodules can be used to maintain requirements for the type of packaging material and the handling of pallets. For example, specifications regarding the stretching of the pallet can be entered. 


  • Product Safety 

The new Product Safety module is now available for products and can be maintained. It contains four submodules in total. The Preload Restriction Settings and ADRClassification submodules have been removed from the General Information module and integrated into the new module. Special product requirements and Safety data sheet have been added as new submodules. Information on the material of the container and dome cover gasket to be used can be maintained under Special Product Requirements


  • Forbidden Cleaning Procedures

The new Forbidden cleaning procedures field has been added within the General Cleaning Info submodule (Module: Cleaning Requirements – Company Products: Bulk). In addition to the required cleaning procedures, forbidden cleaning procedures can also be maintained as a requirement. 


3. Loady2Go & Loady2Share

The Loady2Go & Loady2Share features have been enhanced. Users can now define the validity of a link by entering a number of weeks. After the specified validity has expired, the information contained in the link is no longer available to the recipients. The maximum validity that can be defined is three years or 156 weeks.

In addition, the usability of both features has been improved. In Loady2Share, link recipients can now see immediately if a submodule contains no data. Submodules that do not contain any data are greyed out, cannot be expanded and are labelled as follows: No data.

4. LoadyConnect

The new LoadyConnect feature offers the possibility to connect two entities of the same type, e.g. loading point and loading point, between partners along the supply chain via a Connecting ID. One entity acts as a data source and the other as a data receiver. By connecting two entities, the requirements and information contained in the source entity are shared and synchronised with the receiving entity. In this way, loading and unloading requirements can be efficiently shared between two partners, for example, supplier and goods recipient. The following types of entities can be connected using LoadyConnect:

  • Sites
  • Loading points
  • Unloading points
  • Products
  • Assigned products

To enable a user to see at a glance whether a receiving entity is connected to a source entity via LoadyConnect, an icon next to the name indicates the status of the connection:

  • Green: A green icon indicates that the data of the receiving entity matches that of the source entity.
  • Yellow: A yellow icon indicates that the data in the source entity has been adjusted. The data in the receiving entity can be updated.
  • Red: A red icon indicates that synchronised data in the receiving entity has been adjusted by a user. This means that they are no longer synchronised with the data in the source entity.
  • For more detailed information, please visit our dedicated LoadyConnect page.

5. Advancement of the preload restrictions feature

Loady has further developed the preload restrictions feature, making it more user-friendly. The following functions have been introduced:

  • Copying of preload restrictions

The list of preload restrictions for a product can now be copied and added to another product. If a list of preload restrictions has been copied from product A and added to product B, there is no longer a dependency between the two lists, in contrast to the PRL master function. If further preproducts are now added to the preload restriction list of product B, this has no effect on the preload restriction list of product A.

  • Quick links to preload restriction list

In all lists that contain bulk products (e.g. in the lists of products, assigned products, lanes, etc.), a PLR-tag has been added to products for which preload restrictions have been maintained. By clicking on the PLR-tag, the user is taken directly to the preload restrictions of the respective product.

  • CSV-Upload of preload restrictions

    Preload restrictions can now be uploaded to Loady via a CSV data import. This makes the creation of preload restrictions in Loady efficient and time-saving. In addition to the function, a detailed guide has been created that contains all the relevant details on correct entry and the process. For more information, please contact our expert:

Dr. Waldemar Waigel

Product Manager

6. General enhancements within Loady

Loady has made a number of enhancements to improve the user experience.

  • Breadcrumbs

    Zur einfacheren Navigation wurden Breadcrums implementiert. Dadurch können Benutzer direkt und schnell entlang des eingeschlagenen Pfades zurück zu relevanten Objekten und Listen navigieren.

  • Introduction of a new language: Italian

    Loady, including all features, can now be used in Italian.

  • Copy cleaning requirements

    If cleaning requirements have already been maintained for a bulk product, they can easily be added to another product using the copy function. This reduces time of maintenance required for products that have exactly the same or similar cleaning requirements.

  • Copy data between assigned products

    Products assigned to an (un)loading point often have exactly the same or similar requirements. Loady now makes it possible to copy the modules of an assigned product. The products can be assigned to the same (un)loading point or to different (un)loading points.

  • Inserting a widget in the Instructions module

    In the Instructions module (submodule: General Instructions – Associated Products), the Additional Instructions field has been converted into a widget. With this widget, users can now store several additional instructions as well as URLs. This allows for direct links to documents or databases.

  • Delete empty business partner companies

    From now on, users can delete Business Partner Companies that no longer contain objects such as sites, (un)loading points or products. Business partner companies can only be deleted by users who are authorised to edit business partner companies.

  • Quick access to (un)loading points in product lists

    From the product lists (outbound/inbound), users can navigate directly to the respective (un)loading points by clicking on them.

  • Quick Lane Create

    A lane can be created directly from the product lists (outbound/inbound). This reduces the navigation effort for users.

  • Inactive users

    If users have not logged in to Loady for twelve months, they will receive a verification code by email. If this code is not used to log in again within two months, the user will no longer be able to log in to Loady.

  • Public APIs

    It is now possible to connect Loady to eProcurement systems. This means that requirements maintained in Loady can be sent directly to eProcurement systems for use in tendering processes, for example. For tenders, the requirements for an entire tender can be sent to an eProcurement system using a reference number.

    It is also possible to send individual lanes directly from Loady to the connected eProcurement system using the push principle, for example for buying freight on the spot market. For more information please contact