Reliable master data for smooth logistics processes

Reliable master data for smooth logistics processes

  Digitally available master data on (un)loading requirements

  Common, standardized structure

  Connections to ERP, TMS, Yard, OBU, E-Procurement

  Secure communication and data exchange along the supply chain


Enable your digital logistics in 3 simple steps.

Enable your digital logistics in 3 simple steps.

1. Manage & update logistics requirements

Companies enter loading and unloading requirements for their products directly into Loady, including site- and customer-specific information.

2. Share valid data with logistics partners

Shippers assign freight forwarders to use valid data sets for planning and executing the deliveries. Assignments can be done fully automated. 

3. Integrate with logistics applications

Using valid data directly in existing processes and systems provides the highest value, e.g. in ERPs, TMS, Match making tools, Yard or e-procurement.

Need of a "single source of truth" all parties can refer to

Siloed, independent, indivdual databases and excel sheets at shippers and freight forwards lead to misunderstandings and errors, causing truck rejections, delays, non conformances  and constant troubleshooting.

5 reasons for “one truth”

  • Reduced effort in data management
  • Better service quality in transportation management
  • Great customer experiences – even at new sites, for drivers or shippers
  • Effective data communication in the case of changes
  • Less truck rejections = less lost loading slots = more productivity

Always up-to-date with Loady - how does it work?

In Loady, the industrial companies themselves are responsible to maintain their information up-to-date. If they change relevant data, e.g. if they modify their opening hours or if a different technical equipment is needed, Loady notifies the changes to their assigned business and logistics partners. This is much easier, faster and efficient than informing each of them 1:1 via email, telephone or fax.

4 key functions for achieving a high data quality

  • “The problem is tackled at the root”: the data responsibility lies with the shippers and recipients of goods. It involves experts of site logistics, products and customer service
  • Automatic notifications on relevant changes to the “data subscribers” 
  • Direct feedback on data quality via Loady2Go / Loady2Share
  • From 2025 on: AI-based functions to ensure high data quality

Win-win for all parties in logistics: shippers, freight forwarders and truck drivers


Shippers & goods recipients

Loady provides a basic building block and is a key enabler of digital logistics.  Data from Loady integrates directly with systems and tools along the logistics process. Freight purchasing, planning and execution become more reliable and, especially, loading and unloading processes run smoothly. 

Who benefits most from Loady:

  • Supply chain management
  • Logistics management
  • Transportation planning and management
  • Site logistics
  • Loading point teams
  • Truck dispatching
  • Freight procurement
  • Customer service
#digitallogistics #automation #sustainability #costefficiency #supplychain #visibility

Freight forwarders

Loady data anables carriers to create appropriate offers and offer better services. They improve their planning capabilities and can easily match vehicles, equipment, documents and brief their drivers. They suffer from fewer incidents and gain flexibility – and have much less troubleshooting.

Who benefits most from Loady:

  • Tender management and sales
  • Subcontractor management
  • Dispatching
  • Transport planning and management
  • Customer Service
#digitallogistics #masterdata #costoptimization #matchmaking

Truck drivers

Loady2Go is an online view designed for the drivers. Truck drivers can access all delivery-related information via a temporary link or QR code on their smartphone or tablet. They can switch langauges for better understanding. 

No app download or user registration needed.

Drivers manage even at new sites and locations with much less incidents. Driving is fun again, has they valid information available:

  • Infrastructure and facilities
  • Required documents
  • Technical equipment
  • Opening hours and contact persons
  • Instructions
… and much more!

Data security and governance are our top priorities

In Loady, it is the companies who assign – manually or automatically – data access rights to their business and logistics partners. Their assigned “data subscribers” can view and use first hand loading requirements and also integrate them into their own systems.

To achieve a high data quality, Loady is based on the principle of data responsibility. Shippers and goods recipients “own” the data they manage in Loady and then can share it digitally, securely and efficiently via the platform.

Loady follows the principles of GDPR and ISO 27001 and is audited on a regular base.

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Our technology - enabling digital collaboration in logistics

Our technology - enabling digital collaboration in logistics